
Friday, June 10, 2011

[R]energize Your Job Hunt in 8 Steps

[R]energize Your Job Hunt in 8 Steps | CAREEREALISM.com“My job search is stuck in the mud. I know I need to fix it, but I’m feeling overwhelmed and I’ve got no energy left. I’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work.” Does this ring true for you?
The simple truth is: hunting for a job can be tiring, demoralizing, and frustrating. I often encounter people who have internalized their inability to find work as a sign of personal failure. Confidence and self-image suffer. As that happens, it becomes increasingly difficult to present the optimistic, energetic “can do” persona that employers seek.
We all hear the longer you are out of work, the harder it is to get work. One of the reasons for this is employers are looking for you, Mr. / Ms. Jobhunter not to be jaded, tired, and “down.” And, they fear that the longer you are out of work, the more likely it is you won’t have the vim and vigor they seek.

There are things you can do to [r]energize your job hunt. This list is hardly exhaustive, but it is a good start:

What American Idol Can Teach Us About Career Advancement


American Idol Can Teach Us About Career Advancement | CAREEREALISM.comI guess by writing this post, I am admitting I watchAmerican Idol, and not only do I watch it, but I enjoy it thoroughly. The reason I do is because I enjoy seeing people do what they love to do, especially in such a supportive arena. If corporate professionals followed their dreams like these young adults and even teens are doing on Idol, I believe the world would be a much more positive place.
What can American Idol teach us about career advancement? One thing it can teach us is that to be successful, it is important to know who you are and lean on your strengths in whatever you do.
One of the contestants, Scotty McCreery, is a country music singer. That is who he is, his voice, his roots, everything about him. In my opinion, American Idol is focused mostly around a pop music theme, and it would be very easy for someone like Scotty to try to sing pop music, specifically some of the more popular hits on the radio right now, to try to gain popularity votes, however he refuses to do that! Every single song he sings is either country, or he sings it in a country music style. He even sang Stevie Wonder’s hit, “For Once in My Life,” with a country twist and everyone loved it.
So whether or not you like American Idol, it can teach us a lot about advancing our career. Seventeen year old Scotty McCreery has shown us the following are key elements to success:
  • Know your strengths and utilize them.
  • Stay true to yourself even when there is pressure to change.
  • Be passionate in everything you do.
Being a country music fan myself, I’d like to say thanks for the great music Scotty, and thanks for the career advancement inspiration!
Anthony J. Fasano, CEO and founder of Powerful Purpose Associates and author of Engineer Your Own Success, is a nationally recognized professional coach, author and inspirational speaker specializing in the areas of career growth and development as well as leadership.
As printed in Careerealism.com